Horacio Pozzo
Cambio de Planes
For solo fingerstyle, quickly written on a rainy morning, with further additional guitar by Martín de Aguirre. Home recording from 2009. Photo: Martín Paluri.
For solo fingerstyle, quickly written on a rainy morning, with further additional guitar by Martín de Aguirre. Home recording from 2009. Photo: Martín Paluri.
"Written as a challenge presented by Curt Golden. We had to have all new material for a performance by The NY Chapter, benefiting the Washington Square Church." Live recording by RF and & The League of Crafty Guitarist in Europe, 1991.
Contact: mailto:prussino@gmail.com
Written by Bob Williams and originally conceived as the second movement of a four-movement guitar quartet, Twilight appears on the Seattle Guitar Circle recording of the same name.
Contact: http://seattlecircle.org