Music Contributors

Paul Vréke's profile picture

Paul Vréke


The Second Shot

“Written for recording challenge in an AAD Course in 2015. The initial idea was promising, but needed to grow. So I gave it a second shot. Which gave me also the title for the piece.”

Sarah Metivier's profile picture

Sarah Metivier


Liquid Blues

“Liquid Blues is the name of a basement hippie bar in the little town where John Lovaas and I live.” Recorded live by the Guitar Orchestra Of Europe II at Kulturkirche Neukölln on February 15th, 2020. The Orchestra was moving around in the church while playing. Photo by Jon Diaz.

Hernán Nuñez's profile picture

Hernán Nuñez


The Whip

A classic encore in recent LCG performances. Recorded live on the South American tour 2015-2016, and included on the album “Live V”.